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How We Help
The Delta County EDA is supported in numerous ways by its partner organizations. Housed under the same roof, our partners specialize in specific aspects of Delta County business. Together, we regularly collaborate to deliver the best customer service possible.
The Delta County Chamber of Commerce promotes Delta County to make it a better community in which to live and transact business. With over 650 members in the county-wide network, the Chamber strives to provide a healthy business environment and promotes integrity, good faith and fair business practices
Visit Escanaba is the destination marketing organization for Escanaba, which sits in the heart of Delta County. Housed under Pure Michigan, Visit Escanaba promotes the area's tourism events and lodging and dining experiences.
The Delta County Builder's Exchange is a membership-based organization that benefits the local construction industry though weekly project newsletters, plan printing and procurement, and access to plans for projects currently soliciting bids.
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